Course Description

This module teaches students how to use an ancient timing technique known as Annual Profections, which was the most widespread time-lord technique that was used during the ancient Greco-Roman tradition of astrology.

The module is presented through an online course site, with a lecture, written material, and examples which demonstrate how to apply the annual profections technique in practice.

The material contained in this module has been extracted from part 12 of the full Hellenistic Astrology Course, and is also available as part of the complete course. This class is for those who only want to study the annual profections technique on its own.

About Annual Profections

Annual Profections is the name commonly used to refer to the most widespread time-lord technique that was used during the Hellenistic tradition of astrology, which was practiced from roughly the 1st century BCE through the 7th century CE.

The premise of the Hellenistic time-lord techniques is that not all planets and placements in a birth chart are operating at their fullest potential at any given moment in time. Instead there are specific times in a person’s life when certain planets become activated or awakened, drawing out the full potential of those natal placements.

From a Hellenistic perspective this is the reason why sometimes modern astrologers will see an important transit coming up in the future, but then the date will go by without anything major happening, or with the event happening in an area of the life that is different than what was anticipated. Ancient astrologers believed that in order for a transiting planet to produce a specific event or occurrence in a person’s life, it must be activated as a time-lord at the time of the transit.

The annual profections time-lord technique is used in order to determine exactly which planets will be activated in a person’s life in a given year. This allows the astrologer to do things like pinpoint the most important transits that will actually coincide with an event in a given year. Annual profections also provides the context for interpreting transits, in order to determine which area of the native’s life a specific transit will be relevant to (e.g., finances, children, career, relationships, etc.).

With this information an astrologer can become more well-equipped to be able to say whether, for example, an upcoming Venus retrograde period will coincide with a major transition in the native’s life with respect to relationships, or if instead it will involve a change of careers. The ability to study transits contextually is an important component of transit analysis in general, and without it the study of transits is significantly hindered.

Finally, annual profections can be used in order to determine what some of the primary themes are that will arise during the course of the year, as well as whether the year will tend to be experienced as more positive or more challenging. When used in this way annual profections can enhance and compliment the information that is provided by other yearly techniques, such as solar returns.

What is Contained in the Class

The Annual Profections Class includes the following:

  • A 9-hour video lecture, providing a comprehensive overview of annual profections.
  • Worksheets for calculating annual profections and determining which parts of the chart are activated.
  • Unlimited access to the course site, along with future updates.
  • A discount on upgrading to the full Hellenistic astrology course.
  • Other miscellaneous bonus material.

Accessing the Module

The module is presented online through a private course site that each person gains access to shortly after registering. The lecture is streamed through an innovative video format that is accessible through desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

Once registered, each student has unlimited access to the course site containing the lecture, and they are able to view the presentation at their own pace, as many times as they would like.

Discount on the Full Hellenistic Course

This lecture was originally recorded in November 2015 for the complete Hellenistic Astrology Course. The full course contains 12 other lectures in addition to this one, totaling more than 90 hours of video.

When you sign up for the Annual Profections Class you are entitled to a discount on the full Hellenistic Astrology Course, if you would like to sign up for it at some point at a later date.

Registering for the Class

The price for the Annual Profections Class is $75 USD.

To purchase the module please use the “buy now” button located below.

After completing your payment you will receive an email with your log in information for the course site, and then you can get started.


Chris Brennan

Chris Brennan is a professional astrologer from Denver, Colorado. He is the author of the book Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune, and the host of The Astrology Podcast. He previously served as the President of the Association for Young Astrologers, and the Research Director of the National Council for Geocosmic Research.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Annual Profections

    • Welcome to the Annual Profections Class

    • A Brief 10-Minute Introduction to Annual Profections and Finding the Ruler of the Year

    • Full Annual Profections Lecture (9 Hours Long)

    • Prerequisite Concept: Benefic and Malefic Planets

    • Prerequisite Concept: Sect

    • Prerequisite Concept: Whole Sign Houses

    • Annual Profections Wheel

    • Annual Profections Worksheet

    • Valens on Profections, Part 1: Anthology, Book 4, Ch. 11-12

    • Reading Valens on Annual Profections Webinar: Anthology 4, 11-12

    • Valens on Profections, Part 2: Excerpts from Anthology 4 and 5

    • Reading Valens on Profections Webinar, Part 2: Excerpts from Anthology Books 4 and 5

    • Annual Profections Examples From a Live Audience Discussion

    • Interpreting Transiting Eclipses in the Houses Workshop

    • List of Dates for Eclipses from 1950-2030

    • Quiz

    • Discount on Other Courses