About the Birth Time Rectification Course

The purpose of this course is to teach you how to rectify a birth chart, which is where you try to reverse engineer what time a person was born based on events that are known about their life. 

Rectification is a an important and often necessary tool because many people do not know exactly what time they were born, and without an accurate birth time you cannot calculate the Ascendant and the twelve houses, or use a number of other techniques in astrology.

In this course we will teach you how to rectify a birth chart by starting with basic concepts, and then work our way up to intermediate and advanced techniques for finding what time a person was born.

Our approach uses a blend of ancient and modern astrology, in order to get the best of both worlds, and we strive to outline an approach that is both straight-forward and practical.

The course is divided into 10 parts, and is structured around a series of pre-recorded video lectures. There is at least one core lecture in each part of the course, followed by a quiz at the end of each section, so that you can test what you have learned.

Later sections of the course contain a number of case studies and recordings of live rectification consultations by Chris and Patrick, so that you can see how the principles are applied in practice in real life situations.

At the end of the course there is a written test, and if you pass the exam then you will receive a certificate of completion. 

By the time you finish the course you will have a strong understanding of the theory and practice of rectification, and the ability to rectify your own birth chart, as well as the charts of other people.

The course is co-taught by astrologers Chris Brennan and Patrick Watson, and we draw on our years of experience helping clients to find their birth times.

Signing up for the course also comes with a number of bonuses besides the lectures, such as access to a private discussion forum, discounts on rectification software and consultations, interviews with different astrologers who specialize in rectification, and the ability to attend live question and answer sessions with Chris and Patrick.

The course is self-paced, and new students can begin at any time by using one of the buy now buttons at the top or bottom of this page to sign up. Immediately after you register for the course you will receive an email with your login information, and then you can get started right away!

We look forward to teaching you how to rectify a birth chart!

Who is this course for?

Here are some considerations for determining if the course is right for you:

  • If you are looking for an effective and systematic method for rectifying birth charts.

  • If you would like to learn how to rectify your own birth time.

  • If you would like to learn how to rectify birth charts for clients.

  • If you want to broaden your understanding of the theory and practice of astrology.

  • If you want to learn rectification but need to be able to study at your own pace.

What you get when you sign up for the course:

  • 22+ hours of video lectures

    Over 22 hours of video lectures on different aspects of rectification, co-taught by Chris and Patrick. The videos can be streamed on any device.

  • Rectification Case Studies

    Access to recordings of case studies and rectification consultations that Chris and Patrick have done, in order to see how the principles are applied in practice.

  • Interviews with Specialists

    Interviews with different astrologers who specialize in rectification, in order to learn a variety of methods for approaching the practice.

  • Private Discussion Forum

    Access to a private Facebook group for students of the course, where you can ask questions and discuss concepts with other students. This provides ongoing community support, even after completing the course.

  • Live Q&A Sessions

    Students of the course can attend periodic live question and answer sessions with Chris and Patrick over Zoom. The recording is posted on the course site after, for those who can't make the live meeting.

  • Quizzes

    Test your knowledge by taking quizzes at the end of each section to see if you understand all of the concepts taught in that part of the course

  • Consultation Discount

    Students of the course get a 25% discount on rectification consultations with Patrick, in case you need some extra help or tutoring working on a tricky rectification.

  • Certificate of Completion

    A certificate of completion once you finish the course and pass the final test, which you can then list as part of your credentials as an astrologer.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Course!

    • Welcome to the Birth Time Rectification Course!

    • Facebook Group for Students

    • Astrology Software Discount

    • Troubleshooting Technical Issues

    • Custom Solar Fire Design Files

    • Rectification Consultation Discount

    • Discount on Other Courses

  • 2

    Part 1: What is Rectification?

    • Part 1 Overview

    • Part 1 Lecture: What is Rectification?

    • Part 1 Quiz

  • 3

    Part 2: Review of Basic Techniques

    • Part 2 Overview

    • Part 2 Lecture: Review of Basic Techniques

    • Sect Handout

    • Significations of the Houses Handout

    • Annual Profections Wheel Handout

    • Part 2 Quiz

  • 4

    Part 3: Birth Data

    • Part 3 Overview

    • Part 3 Lecture: Evaluating Birth Data Sources to Rectify a Chart

    • Resources for Birth Data Research

    • Part 3 Quiz

  • 5

    Part 4: Rectifying the Rising Sign

    • Part 4 Overview

    • Lecture 4: How to Rectify the Rising Sign

    • Part 4 Quiz

  • 6

    Part 5: Rectifying the Rising Degree

    • Part 5 Overview

    • Lecture 5: Rectifying the Rising Degree

    • Zodiacal Releasing Periods Handout

    • Part 5 Quiz

  • 7

    Part 6: Advanced Rectification Techniques

    • Part 6 Overview

    • Using the Moon to Rectify a Chart

    • Using Appearance and Character Analysis to Rectify a Rising Sign

    • Rectifying the Sign of the MC and IC by Rulership

    • Rectifying the Rising Sign Through Analyzing the Saturn Return

    • Using the House Placement of the Profected Ruler of the Year

    • Using Lots and Zodiacal Releasing to Rectify a Chart

    • Part 6 Quiz

  • 8

    Part 7: Rectification Demonstrations

    • Part 7 Overview

    • Patrick Case Study: Rectifying a Rising Degree

    • Chris and Patrick Rectification Consultation with Michelle

    • Using Benefics and Malefics to Rectify a Chart

    • Joe Biden Rectification Demonstration

    • Using Multiple Techniques to Rectify a Chart

    • Chris Rectification Consultation with Stella

    • Part 7 Quiz

  • 9

    Part 8: Interviews with Rectification Astrologers

    • Part 8 Overview

    • Dr. H of Regulus Astrology Interview

    • Carol Tebbs Rectification Interview

    • Nick Dagan Best Rectification Interview

  • 10

    Part 9: Question and Answer Sessions

    • Part 9 Overview

    • Submit Your Question

  • 11

    Part 10: Final Test

    • Final Test

About the Instructors of the Rectification Course


Chris Brennan

Chris Brennan is a professional astrologer from Denver, Colorado. He is the author of the book Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune, and the host of The Astrology Podcast. He previously served as the President of the Association for Young Astrologers, and the Research Director of the National Council for Geocosmic Research.


Patrick Watson

Patrick Watson is a professional astrologer with over 20 years of experience, who uses a blend of ancient and modern astrology. He is currently the president of CAPISAR, which is the certifying board for the International Society for Astrological Research.

Study At Your Own Pace

Since the course is presented through a series of pre-recorded video lectures, each person is able to adapt it to fit their own schedule, and there are no specific times that students need to be available for the course. This allows each student to study at their own pace.

Students may choose to participate in the class and get feedback by submitting questions for the live Q&A sessions, participating in the private discussion forum, or by completing multiple choice quizzes at the end of each section of the course.

We plan to periodically host a live question and answer session through Zoom, and the recordings of these webinars will be posted on the course site afterward, so you can watch them even if you can't attend the live meeting.

For many people the main purpose of the course is simply to gain access to the lectures and study material, and for that reason the completion of assignments is not required.

Those who do complete all of the quizzes and pass the final test at the end of the course will receive a certificate of completion.

A broadband internet connection is required for the course, in order to stream the video lectures.

Register for the Course

The price for the course is a one-time fee of $425.

This gives you unlimited access to the course, with no time restrictions.

To purchase the course please use the “buy now” button below. 

If you have any questions about the course please email:

[email protected]

Purchase the Birth Time Rectification Course

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